ATTIKI-PITTAS Quality Assurance Department started its operation, in its current form, back in 1990 and is currently staffed by agriculturists and food technologists. It is well equipped to carry out all the necessary analyses and tests, on the basis of the applicable quality requirements, either for ensuring good manufacturing practices or for research purposes.
ATTIKI-PITTAS is certified under the FSSC 22000 Food Security Management System scheme. In order to assure the exceptional quality of the Greek honey and to promote its unique characteristics and properties, our Quality Assurance Department has been carrying-out studies in cooperation with universities, research centers and institutes. On an ongoing basis, our Company has been funding research activities which aim at more refined and efficient Greek beekeeping.
Indicative research programs that have been implemented in collaboration with Universities:
- Improvement of pastures and re-inventing of thyme and beekeeping plants.
- Development of methods for mapping and reliable determination of honey identity and quality in Greece (Development Programme of Industrial Research and Technology – in Greek PAVET 2000).
- Planning and development of new biofunctional foods and food supplements, based on the Mediterranean diet and the biodiversity of the Greek flora (Operational Programme “Competitiveness and Entrepreneurship” – in Greek EPAN)
- Study on the quality of greek traditional foods and the industrialization of their production (Operational Programme “Competitiveness and Entrepreneurship” – in Greek EPAN)
- Development of methods for assessing the properties of greek bee products (honey, royal jelly, pollen) (Development Programme of Industrial Research and Technology – in Greek PAVET 2005)
- Analysis of the chemical composition and assessment of the biological properties of greek honeys and royal jellies in the greek market.
- Elevation of the production process through improved products of high added value and biological activity (NSRF).
- Impact of honey on obese children’s diet, Agia Sofia Children’s Hospital (PhD thesis pending).